Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day Two, Morning

This morning we got started on time! Go me! At 9am, we were standing by our table, hands on our hearts, reciting the Pledge. We've retained the idea of pledge as promise, but need to keep working on 'allegiance.' Still, not bad. It's a big word! We did the date and the weather (including running outside to check what the actual temperature was), and wrote them on our big white board.

I gave the children the choice of doing math or language arts this morning. They chose language arts, and were happy for the choice because it involves coloring as well as reading. They're coloring and assembling a Fall booklet with vocabulary words. The beginning of it is fairly simply, but it gets more complex as you go through the booklet. Near the end there are places for them to write their own sentences about autumn.

Mike was making a lot of sounds (whistling, clicking, etc) and it was bothering Kayla, and so I came up with the idea of putting KIdz Bop on using Pandora Radio. This was a very popular response to excess classroom noise. Now they're bopping and singing along with kid friendly music while they work happily and quietly on their seat work. Then, of course, "Move It" came on and we abandoned all pretense of quiet work and jumped up to dance and get our wiggles out. It was really fun, and it gave them an interesting break from their sitting work.

Miss B last night told me that I basically did a week's worth of curriculum with the kids yesterday, so I'm taking it a bit easier today. This afternoon I'm hoping we can gather up some autumn leaves from the yard, and then make a couple of pretty wreaths. I think we're also going to take a garbage bag with us to pick up junk as we walk, because there was an AWFUL lot of it yesterday. We can talk about cleaning up after ourselves, recycling, and being good stewards of the Land.

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