Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day Two, Afternoon

Well, I'm posting this at 10:15pm, so I guess you can figure out how this afternoon's lessons went! We enjoyed another moment of, "thank goodness we're home schooling!" Our realtor called and we had to run out the door to the bank to get some paperwork finished. We put all our school things away, popped the kids into the van, and went streaming out into the day. The best moment of this afternoon was Kayla asking, from the back of the car, "Daddy? Are we still in school? Or not?" I almost choked with laughter.

We didn't waste time in the car, though. The kids spent quite a bit of time doing back seat drama with their stuffies. They created a whole scenario where the stuffed dragon was belching out fireballs and the mini Hello Kitty pez dispenser was a flying cat that was caught inside a bouncy house. The whole thing was just fascinating!

While we were out, I picked up a few things to allow the kids to make autumn wreaths, and that was our "art special" today. Kayla ended up doing it on her own, using flower wire to peg leaves and crab apples and such to the foam wreath form. It's a bit on the bare side (look for pictures tomorrow, perhaps), but she spent a lot of time and effort on it, and is very proud of it. Mike, on the other hand, went out with daddy to learn a few things about gun safety.

Mike has a plastic toy gun, and we allow this as long as he follows real honest-to-goodness gun safety rules. The number one rule is never EVER point a gun at someone. This rule was broken several times over the past few days, and so C took it into his own hands. Off they went to the range, where he showed Mike just what happens when you shoot a gun. Then they went over all the safety rules again. It seems to have made much more of an impression this time, now that loud noises and earphones and safety gear was involved! Mike came home and rattled off all sorts of new things to us. Don't ever pick up a gun that you find; get a grown up right away and show them where it is. Don't ever pick up shell casings unless a grown up says it's alright to do so (they can be hot, among other reasons). Don't ever touch bullets or any other gun tools without a grown up right there with you. He seemed very impressed by the whole thing.

Both kids completed their autumn books, complete with colored pictures, vocabulary words, and their own sentences using words rhyming with "fall." Miss B was thrilled with what they'd done, and very happy that they had the opportunity to work on that kind of a project in a single day rather than over a week.

Tomorrow we have some math sheets to do on measuring and volume, and some language arts to go over. It's also library day, which always makes the kids happy.

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